Our insurance continuing education exams consist of at-home, open-book, multiple choice questions and you only need a 70% score to pass and be issued a certificate. Once you have completed your exams, return the books and exams to Slater All Lines Insurance School for grading. Within 24 hours (Mon-Fri) of receiving your materials, we will give, mail or fax you your completion certificates. If you are in a hurry, please call 425.771.4870 to make an appointment to bring in your books and exam sheets for immediate grading.
Please look at the CE Course List above to choose your course(s). As of July 2015, Washington State Continuing Education for Insurance courses are eligible to be repeated once every renewal period as per WAC 284-17-250. All CE courses listed that have an asterisk (*) next to the title indicate that the textbook is a borrowed book and the book will need to be returned with the exam to receive credit. Borrowed books must be returned with your exam for grading to receive your completion certificate within 45 days.
If you exceed more than 26 credit hours with your course combinations, please call our office to get approval for the $100 price.
Ethics Courses
- 619793 – Ethics 3 Credit Hours. This is a course that covers Washington State Revised Code and Administrative Code topics as they relate to ethics. (includes 3 hours of Ethics) Course
- 623610 – Insurance Industry Ethics 3 Credit Hours. This is a course that covers Washington State Revised Code and Administrative Code topics as they relate to ethics, as well as consumer privacy. (includes 3 hours of Ethics)
- 624695 – Ethics for Producers 1 Credit Hour. This is a course that covers Washington State Revised Code and Administrative Code topics as they relate to ethics, as well as consumer privacy.
General Courses
- 623628 – Anti-Money Laundering Standards for the Ins. Industry 3 Credit Hours. This fascinating read covers all aspects of what money laundering is, what are many signs, how to watch for it, reporting requirements, as well as some federal laws and regulations regarding the subject.
- 630556 – Anti-Money Laundering 3 Credit Hours. This AML course presents the basics of money laundering, what to watch for, the effects of money laundering, and the requirements for both insurers and producers. This course covers the stages of ML and how thieves might utilize it through insurance products.
- 624303 – Insurance Fraud Awareness 6 Credit Hours. You may be surprised to learn that you are personally paying hundreds of dollars on average per year because of fraud, according to the WA State Insurance Commissioner. This book covers fraud, both at purchase and fraudulent claims, teaching how to recognize it in the all-important anti-fraud campaign waged throughout our country.
- 624727 – Insurance Fundamentals, 1st Ed with Ethics2 4 Credit Hours. Description coming soon.
Life and Disability Insurance Oriented Courses
- 624237 – Estate Planning Concepts 5 Credit Hours. Estate planning involves more than insurance to cover needs. An estate could be created, conserved, or both! This course covers various forms of property ownership and information about wills, trusts, and probate. Showing how to use life insurance and annuities to achieve important estate planning objectives, explaining comprehensive coverage of the federal estate, gift taxes, and state death taxes.
- 618678 – Financial Planning for the Older Client 24 Credit Hours. Discusses the elder care perspective, life insurance, Medigap, long-term care, Medicare, Medicaid, retirement planning, social security, IRAs, annuities, estate planning, housing and care alternatives.
- 630559 – Medicare, COBRA, and Disability plans 9 Credit Hours. This course offers an in-depth look at Medicare and its coverages, explains COBRA basics, and the Disability portion focuses on Cafeteria Plans, what they are, and how they are administered.
- 626389 – Tools and Techniques of Life Insurance Planning: Tools 21 Credit Hours. This course covers the tools in life insurance, including choosing the right company, choosing the right policy, provisions, and riders, and devotes an entire chapter to each type of life insurance available. The Tools course covers the first half of the entire book. The book is written to help planners and advisors understand the tools needed to use life insurance as part of a successful financial, business, or estate plan.
- 627236 – Washington LTC 4-Hour Refresher Course 4 Credit Hours. This course reviews long-term care insurance as it relates to Washington State’s Laws and Rules. This is the four-hour course that can be taken to renew an already-existing Long-Term Care certification in Washington State every two years.
Property and Casualty Oriented Courses
- 624236 – Business Income Coverage 6 Credit Hours. This course covers the major Business Income and Extra Expense coverage forms and endorsements. Consequential or Indirect losses are vital coverages for many businesses after a covered loss. They may also be referred to as time element coverages or business interruption insurance.
- 624220 – Dwelling Coverage 5th Edition 4 Credit Hours. This course encompasses all manner of items about a dwelling policy that a landlord or insured with a vacation home may need to know. These policies may be similar to homeowners’ policies, yet they cover differing needs. You only choose the coverages you need, with liability separately available as an endorsement.
- 624251 – Homeowners Insurance Coverage 7 Credit Hours. This course covers types of homeowners’ policies in detail. Property, liability, perils, exclusions, as well as endorsements your clients may need to properly protect their assets. Emphasis is placed on Homeowners HO3 Special policies.
- Nuts and Bolts of Property and Casualty Insurance 3 Credit Hours. This course quickly covers the basics of risk, auto insurance, liability insurance, homeowner insurance, etc. This course is fantastic for a quick refresher on P&C topics.
- 620208 – NFIP Basic Flood Insurance Course 3 Credit Hours. This is the required course needed to sell Flood insurance in WA State. This course covers flood maps and zone determinations, policies, general rules, community rating systems, claims handling, point of sale and renewal responsibilities, and agent resources.
- 624230 – Professional Liability Insurance 4 Credit Hours. This course educates and emphasizes the importance of essential professional liability insurance coverages. It starts with an overview of professional liability, covers provisions, producers, and other professions such as lawyers, architects, directors and officers, fiduciary liability, and employment practices liability. An interesting book for important coverages.
- 630550 – Understanding Umbrella Insurance 8 Credit Hours. Understanding Umbrella Insurance is an in-depth study of the policy components, conditions, and exclusions, as well as the need for this coverage. This course covers a multitude of other comprehensive insurance strategies, including terrorism and catastrophe insurance for individuals as well as businesses.